Linux Crash Course

Yaser Rahmati | یاسر رحمتی

Definition and Overview

A Linux Crash Course is an introductory training program designed to quickly familiarize participants with the basics of the Linux operating system. This type of course is ideal for beginners who need to gain a foundational understanding of Linux commands, file systems, and administrative tasks in a short amount of time. It covers essential concepts and practical skills required to navigate and manage a Linux environment effectively.

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Linux, command line, shell, file system, directory structure, permissions, ownership, ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, touch, cat, grep, find, nano, vi, vim, chmod, chown, useradd, usermod, groupadd, passwd, sudo, apt, yum, rpm, dpkg, systemctl, service, ps, top, htop, df, du, ifconfig, ip, netstat, ping, traceroute, ssh, scp, wget, curl, cron, bash scripting, sh, alias, env, export, tar, gzip, gzip, sed, awk , man, history, alias, grep, sed, awk, cut, sort, uniq, tee, xargs, find, locate, updatedb, systemd, journalctl, dmesg, uptime, free, top, vmstat, iostat, lsof, netcat, iptables, firewalld, selinux, userdel, groupdel, passwd, gpasswd, chage, groups, whoami, w, last, shutdown, reboot, rsync, mount, umount, fstab, lsblk, blkid, dd, mkfs, fsck , یاسر رحمتی , لینوکس

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